Alaskans for Palmer Hay Flats is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to conserving the natural and cultural resources of the Palmer Hay Flats State Game Refuge through public awareness, education, recreation and enhancement projects.
The Palmer Hay flats State Game Refuge is one of six refuges the Palmer Fish & Game office is manages, it has is important for citizens to become involved in the future of this unique place. Surrounded by the largest and fastest growing population center in the state, a sense of community stewardship can protect against negligence and abuse, thereby assuring safe and enjoyable recreation for all citizen users, and preserving habitat integrity for the Refuge's wildlife.
APH envisions many beneficial developments for the Refuge. Improved access and parking areas, trails for education and viewing, shelters for family gatherings, and eventually a year round "nature/science/public use facility" where people of all ages will meet to learn about the wonders of wetland ecosystems, migrating birds, the season ebb and flow of wildlife, and its integral part in human resource provision and game management.
As time passes, the needs of the Palmer Hay Flats Game Refuge must be attended to by a complex mix of entities who care enough to see beneficial goals through to fruition. Individual citizens, the State of Alaska, our Legislative body, the Mat-Su Borough, Federal Agencies, members of the business and tourism communities - we all must "pitch in" to care for this special place.
Good things are in store for the Refuge. Proud accomplishments await those who join us!
January 2025: This page is under construction - updates coming soon!
Michelle is a Tribal Coordinator with the US EPA, Region 10. She works with Tribes in Southeast Alaska and on regional and national tribal climate change issues. Her education is in Natural Sciences at UAA and she previously served as the Alaska Program Manager for the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society, a national Native American nonprofit. Michelle is an enrolled member of the Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, and is Eagle Moiety and Killer Whale house. She lives in Wasilla, Alaska
John grew up in Fairfax County, Virginia and obtained his B.S. Degree in Agriculture Education. In 1986, he moved to Sitka where reported the local news and hosted the Morning Edition Show at KCAW. In 1991, John moved to Anchorage where he met his wife and worked 12 years at the Mat-Su Borough as ROW tech and Construction Project Manager.
© 2019 Alaskan for Palmer Hay Flats