Strategies for survival if you fall through the ice.
Discovery Channel Canada Videos (2002) --- Credit belongs to Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht (Professor, B.P.E. Program - Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation Studies).
Out, Now What ? How to survive a night in the forest after losing your snowmobile through the ice.
Discovery Channel Canada Videos (2002) --- Credit belongs to Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht (Professor, B.P.E. Program - Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation Studies).
Getting That Sinking Feeling - The importance of proper outerwear to keep you afloat and alive when snowmobiling -Discovery Channel Canada Videos (2002) --- Credit belongs to Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht (Professor, B.P.E. Program - Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation Studies).
Ice biking at a spot on the Palmer Hay Flats.
Students at Fred and Sara Machetanz Elementary School Wasilla, Alaska recently formed the youngest chapter of Alaskans for Palmer hay Flats. These Young stewards of the flats formed Machetanz Student for Palmer Hay Flats.
© 2019 Alaskan for Palmer Hay Flats